The early morning progress was so good today, the trike so swift, Rob was moved enough to give John a praise name - Wind In His Hair. The boys clocked up their first 30 kms today with an average speed of 27 kms/hour, aided by a benevolent Southerly. Indeed, Rob ended the morning in such a buoyant mood he expressed a desire to preach the virtues of cycling to the sad and the weary. But that was this morning...
The boys early good spirits were lifted further by a visit to St. Joseph's School in Waipukerau. We spent an engaging hour or so speaking with the most pleasant group of young people you can imagine. To top it off, they presented Rob and John with pendants as a sign of their appreciation. Waipukerau's future looks to be in good hands.
Has anyone in the entire history of cycle touring ever blown 3 tires in as many days? Not tubes, you hear, tires. It just doesn't happen. It happened to us - keen to take further asdvantage of the favourable wind and expecting to make the 50 kms into Hastings with ease, the fellas started out after the luxury of a lunch at their motel (as opposed to the usual lunch on the road). 800 meters later the rear tire blew. Now, it has to be said, that of the 3 tires to blow this week, the cause of this ones failure was explainable. Several weeks ago, during a photo session with a local paper, the lads were practicing 180 slides, rather successfully too we might add. Unfortunately, this had worn the tire in several places, ergo the blow out.
This being the last of our spare tires, we were forced to attempt a repair. Puncture repair patches were glued to the inside and outside of the tire then bound with gaffer's tape. This lasted another 10 kms before the tire once again gave up the ghost. So here we are, tireless with another 50 kms ahead of us to make Napier in the morning. Never fear, we have a plan...
Same bat time, same bat channel tomorrow night to hear the outcome.
Ooh the suspense is killing me!!
May the boys both have Wind In Their Sails from now on!
I'd say that with all of that hand cranking going on up front, combined with the eating lunch beside the road, that this would explain the mysterious sudden gusts of wind that are 'messing' with Johns hair!
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